Code Compliance

code compliance specialist putting door hanger on home

Our nationally accredited Code Compliance division works to keep our neighborhoods safe, clean, and beautiful by enforcing the City’s Code of Ordinances. Our Code Compliance Officers work diligently in both commercial and residential zones to facilitate voluntary compliance and ensure that we preserve neighborhood characteristics that have made Port St. Lucie one of the most desirable placed in Florida to live, work, and play.

Code Compliance helps:

  • Protect The Safety and Welfare of Port St Lucie Residents
  • Maintain and Increase Property Values
  • Reduce Vandalism
  • Eliminate Blight

Anonymous Complaints (Senate Bill 60)

Senate Bill 60

anonymous person

On June 29, 2021, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 60 into law, which no longer allows code enforcement officers to investigate anonymous complaints. All code enforcement reports must include the complainant’s personal information, including name and address. The new law states, “A person designated as a code inspector may not initiate an investigation of a potential violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance by way of an anonymous complaint. A person who reports a potential violation of a code or an ordinance must provide his or her name and address to the governing body of the respective board of county commissioners before an investigation occurs.”

There is one exception outlined in the law that states, “This paragraph does not apply if the person designated as a code inspector has reason to believe that the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.”  

This law went into effect Thursday, July 1, 2021. 

See the approved legislative bill

Code Compliance Officers

Code specialist assessing propertyCode Compliance Officers work routinely with residents and respond to concerns from the community. They make sure that all concerns are tracked and investigated individually, and they work to ensure that violations are corrected promptly.

Code Compliance Officers are empowered under Florida State Statute Section 162 to issue Uniform Code Citations to violators. These citations, while requiring the defendant to appear in County Court, are classified as civil infractions, not criminal.

Prior to issuing a citation, a Code Compliance Officers shall provide notice to the resident that they have violated the City of Port St Lucie Code or Ordinance and shall establish a reasonable time period within which the person must correct the violation.

Cases of code violation appeals are heard by the St. Lucie County Circuit Court.

Any person who willfully refuses to sign and accept a citation issued by a Code Compliance Officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in Section 775.083, Florida Statutes.

Common Issues Not Handled by Code Compliance

To enforce the City's Codes and Ordinances, Neighborhood Services collaborates with other departments to inspect and address compliance issues. If we cannot directly resolve your issue, we will connect you with the appropriate City department or outside agency.

Common Issues Not Handled by Code Compliance:

  • Fence Permits: Contact the Building Department at 772-871-5132.
  • Noise Complaints: Call the police department non-emergency line at 772-871-5000.
  • Fire Safety: Contact the Fire Department at 772-621-3400.
  • Emergency Life Safety Issues: Call 911.

Some issues reported to Code Compliance may be civil disputes between property owners. A civil issue between neighbors refers to a non-criminal dispute or conflict that arises between individuals living in close proximity to each other. These issues typically involve disagreements over matters such as property boundaries, pet behavior, maintenance of shared spaces, or other actions that impact the quality of life and peaceful coexistence within a neighborhood. Note: The City Attorney's Office does not provide legal advice to citizens of Port St. Lucie.

Before erecting any structure, fence, or accessory unit on your property, check with the City’s Building Department for permit requirements by calling 772-871-5132.

Special Handling for Electronic and Hazardous Materials: Electronic items like computers, cell phones, and televisions, as well as hazardous materials like paint, oil, and chemicals, require special handling and should not be placed in garbage or recycling bins or left by the curb. These items must be taken to the St. Lucie County Landfill at 6120 Glades Cut Off Road. For more information, contact the Solid Waste Division at 772-873-6317 or the St. Lucie County Landfill at 772-462-1768.

Neighborhood Meetings: Code Compliance Specialists regularly attend neighborhood association meetings to review and explain code requirements. To request a Specialist at your meeting, email or call 772-871-5010.