Neighborhood Services FAQs

SHIP Homeowner Repair & Rehabilitation Program FAQs

How do I qualify for Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program assistance?

  • Households must meet income limit guidelines
  • Mortgage and Property Taxes must be current
  • Property must be:
    • located in Port St. Lucie city limits
    • the primary residence of the homeowner/applicant for 1 year or more
    • assessed at $509,943 or less
    • Protected by homeowner’s insurance in an amount that to covers the maximum amount of assistance available minimum.

What are the income limits?

Households must be classified under S.H.I.P. guidelines to be eligible for the program. Income includes gross wages, income from assets, retirement, social security, disability, unemployment and any other resources or benefits received by household members age 18 and older. Household income must not exceed the current income limits (adjusted for family size) are as follows:

2024 Income Limits by family size:

Family Size Extremely Low Very Low Low

































Is there a limit on cash I may have saved?

Cash available should not exceed $15,000. Extenuating circumstances may be considered. 

How much assistance is available?

  1. Comprehensive Repair Rehabilitation program is $50,000
  2. Limited Repair Rehabilitation program is $15,000
  3. Accessibility/Retrofit (Special Needs) program is $15,000
  4. Disaster Recovery program is $25,000
  5. Water or Sewer Connection program is $7,600 (Grant)
  6. Water/Sewer Assessment program is $5,000 (Grant)

Do I pay back the money I receive?

Assistance is in the form of a deferred payment loan (DPL). You will sign a note and mortgage for the maximum amount of assistance available. When all repairs are completed, you will sign a corrective note for the actual amount of program funding utilized. The mortgage will be recorded as a lien against your property until the note is satisfied. There is no interest and no payments are made unless there is a default, or the home is sold.

  1. The DPL for Comprehensive Repair/Rehabilitation Program will be forgiven at the rate of 1/15 of the amount of assistance each year until the entire amount of the loan is forgiven in its entirety after 15  years.
  2. The DPL for Limited Repair/Rehabilitation, Accessibility/Retrofit and Disaster Recovery Programs will be forgiven at the rate of 20% of the amount of assistance each year until the entire amount of the loan is forgiven in its entirety after 5 years. 

Can I repair/rehab my manufactured home?

Manufactured homes do not qualify for assistance under this program.

What types of home repair/rehab and/or special needs items will qualify?

The program provides funds to assist in eliminating housing related code violations, and correcting safety and sanitary issues. We may also provide wind mitigation improvements, such as hurricane shutters, or accessibility/retrofit items to assist disabled household members with increased access and/or use of their homes. These modifications include either structural adaptations or addition of apparatus that is permanently affixed to the housing unit.

Pools and/or hot tubs are not eligible for repair. A home inspection is performed, and the inspector and housing coordinator will provide you with a list of approved repairs.

Illegal structures and non-permitted repairs/remodeling, such as converted garages, non-permitted electrical repairs, etc. will need to be removed, returned to the original use, or brought up to code if the work is eligible and there is sufficient funding; otherwise the matter will be referred to the building department for appropriate action.

Does Neighborhood Services hire the contractors?

You select your own licensed contractors. You must obtain three (3) bids for each job. Bids must be based on standard builder-grade replacements/improvements. For jobs of $2,500 or more we will schedule a pre-construction conference with you, the contractor(s), and a representative from our inspection service. You will review and sign a written agreement with the contractor(s), indicating the general requirements for any work funded under the Program.

Do I need to have good credit to get assistance?

Applicants do not need to have good credit to apply. However, if your home is in foreclosure, if a bankruptcy action affecting the home has been filed, if you are behind on your home loan payment or property taxes, or if it appears you cannot sustain your housing payment, or pay impending taxes or homeowner’s insurance, the funding may be delayed until the payments are brought current or sustainability has been established.

How do I apply for assistance?

The City is not accepting applications at this time. Neighborhood Services establishes a list for clients who need assistance when funding is available. For information on funding availability, please call 772-871-5284, check the Housing Programs page, or send an email to Clients on the application list will be chosen on a first come, first served basis unless selection by income is required to maintain compliance with State guidelines. Special Needs applicants may also receive priority in order to maintain required set-asides for funding. 

When will I know if I have been selected?

We are required to send verifications to confirm all sources of income and assets. This process usually takes a few weeks. If you are qualified, your file will be chosen on a “first-come, first-ready” basis. You will receive a letter letting you know whether you have been selected and the status of your application.

Can I apply for assistance more than once?

Households may not qualify for additional funding under the same strategy even if the original loan has been satisfied.

Will I be allowed to refinance if I receive housing assistance?

In order for you to receive assistance, we place a mortgage against your property and must approve of any refinancing that you may be considering. The City’s current policy allows for refinancing (subordination of our mortgage), if the household will benefit with an interest rate and/or housing payment reduction sufficient to offset the costs of refinancing. You may not receive any funds
(cash out) in the transaction, but the City may approve of funds paid directly to a contractor for home improvements. In general, the City will require that its original mortgage position be maintained, and that tax and insurance payments be escrowed. This policy is subject to change at any time.

Code Compliance FAQs

What is an abandoned or vacant property?


Abandoned or vacant properties have a detrimental effect on the community, contributing to blight. Many homes entering foreclosure become vacant long before the foreclosure process is complete, often remaining unoccupied for months or even years. This leaves properties abandoned and neglected for extended periods while awaiting foreclosure sale. The purpose and intent of this chapter is to establish a registration process to mitigate and reduce the deterioration of properties abandoned due to foreclosure or where ownership has been transferred to a lender or mortgagee by any legal means.

The definition per the City’s Code of Ordinances is as follows: Abandoned real property means any real property that is vacant and under a public notice of default, notice of mortgagee's sale, pending tax assessor's lien sale and/or properties that have been the subject of a foreclosure sale where title is retained by the mortgagee, and any properties transferred under a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure sale, a short sale or any other legal means.

What happens if I don’t take any action?

If the property owner is found to be in violation by the Special Magistrate during the hearing, they will incur a pre-determined daily fine until the violation is corrected. In some instances, the City may be granted the authority to abate the violation, with the associated costs then passed on to the property owner. In either scenario, a lien would be placed on the property.

How much time do I have to come into compliance before I could be fined?

The Notice of Violation includes a compliance date by which the violations must be addressed. If the property is not brought into compliance by that date, you will receive a certified letter with a Notice of Hearing for the case to be reviewed by the Special Magistrate. This typically provides an additional 30-45 days to comply. Please stay in contact with the Code Compliance Officer assigned to your case, as this may allow for additional time to meet compliance requirements if necessary.

Where can I place my signs?

Please refer to our Sign Code page for illustrations on how signs should be placed.

Vacant Lot FAQs

What do I do after I correct the vacant lot violations?

Once the overgrowth is cut back from the neighboring developed property, please contact your Code Officer via phone or email. The Officer will reinspect the property and if in compliance the complaint will be closed out.

What do I need to do to bring my vacant lot into compliance?

Please trim your overgrowth back 10 feet from the property line per the City Code of Ordinance Sec 43.04.

Once complied, could I be found in violation again?

Yes, a property can be found in violation every 12 months. Annual maintenance is required.

What happens if I leave trimmings/debris at curbside?

All trimmings and debris must be hauled away. Unimproved lots are not assessed for solid waste services. Placing yard waste in vacant lots is considered illegal dumping and against city ordinance. Code Compliance will investigate to determine if illegal dumping has occurred. If illegal dumping is evident, the property owner will be notified and asked to come into compliance. If the property owner fails to cooperate, the city will follow standard Code Compliance procedures such as issuing a citation and/or placing a lien on the property. 

I am from out of state, where can I obtain a list of companies that can help me?

The best option would be to search the internet for a local licensed landscaper, arborist, or tree trimming company. The City cannot recommend or provide listings for services.

What happens if I don’t take any action?

The case will be brought to a hearing in front of a Special Magistrate. If found in violation the City could be given authority to abate (fix) the violation and pass the associated fees onto the property owner as a lien on the property

What happens if I don't cut back my lot?

If the property owner is found to be in violation by the Special Magistrate during the hearing, the City may be granted the authority to abate the violation. The associated costs would then passed on to the property owner and a lien would be placed on the property.

Other FAQs

Are there funds available for water/sewer assessment and/or water/sewer hookup assistance?

Households may qualify for payment of the remaining balance of the water/sewer assessment fee and water/sewer hookup fee, funds for this activity are limited. Please call 772-344-4084 for more information on funding availability. 

Do I need a permit for a garage sale?

Yes, a permit is required for a garage sale. 

Get a Garage Sale Permit