Special Event Permit

Woman looking at clothes at an outdoor event

Which events require a special event permit?

A permit is required for any temporary outdoor event or sale that is not a regular or approved use of the property. If the event is already included in the business's tax receipt, a separate permit is not needed. Additionally, permits are not necessary for church events held on church property or for events at City parks or recreation facilities.

Examples of Special events

Outdoor events covered under this section include, but are not limited to, circuses, carnivals, tent revivals, outdoor exhibitions, road festivals, and organized competitive events.

Where are special events allowed?

These events are allowed on developed properties zoned for open space recreation, institutional, general commercial, and planned unit development/master planned unit development.

How long can a special event be?

Each event is limited to a maximum of seven consecutive days, and no more than four such events are permitted on the same property per year. This four-event limit may be waived with an affirmative vote by the City Council.

Outdoor Event Fees 

The following fees must be paid in full before any equipment is brought upon the location where the outdoor event will take place.

  • A $100 non-refundable application fee
  • $200 for the first day and $150.00 for each succeeding day
  • $20 per day, per concession stand, booth, or individuals carrying items on their person for the purposes of sale.