The Parks Division will coordinate the distribution of supplies and paperwork for clean-ups with the group representative. Supplies provided will include latex gloves, trash bags, trash grippers, volunteer rosters, reporting forms, and, as needed, a first aid kit.
Volunteer rosters must be completed with basic information, hours worked, and each participant's initials. These rosters must be signed by the assigned Supervisor. Completed rosters and clean-up report forms(PDF, 73KB) are to be submitted to the assigned Supervisor or mailed to the Department within five days of each clean-up.
Groups should schedule clean-ups by contacting the Parks & Recreation Department at 772-878-2277 and requesting to speak with the Adopt-A-Park Coordinator. Contact must be made at least three weeks before the desired clean-up date. Dates may be denied due to special events, other scheduled clean-ups, or park safety considerations as determined by the Department.
All volunteers must sign-in on the Volunteer Roster form before participating in the clean-up and report to the assigned Supervisor before starting work. Filled trash bags should be placed in a site dumpster if available, or as directed by the Supervisor.
Group members are required to adhere to the safety guidelines of the Adopt-a-Park program(PDF, 68KB). Any hazardous situations or conditions should be promptly reported to Parks personnel on duty or the City of Port St. Lucie Police Department by calling 911.