What is a comprehensive plan?
Simply put, a comprehensive plan is a state-required document designed to guide the future actions of a jurisdiction. It presents a vision for a community’s future with long range goals, objectives, and policies. The Comprehensive Plan also serves to:
- Help residents identify their vision for the future of the community
- Coordinate local decision making
- Provide guidance to landowners and developers
What is the relationship between the comprehensive plan and the land development regulations/zoning map?
The Comprehensive Plan sets policy for growth and is intended to paint a general vision of the community. The Future Land Use Map, adopted as part of the Plan, shows graphically where and how growth is intended to occur. The land development regulations and zoning map implement the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map with detailed site development standards.
What is a strategic plan? How is it different than the comprehensive plan?
A Strategic Plan outlines specific, short-to-medium-term goals and places a strong emphasis on implementation, while a Comprehensive Plan provides a long-term, policy-focused framework for growth and development, mandated by state law.
Why does the plan need to be updated?
There are numerous reasons why the City desires to update its Comprehensive Plan. Some of the most prominent reasons include:
- Revisit the community vision for future growth
- Implement the recently completed mobility plan
- Analyze and update levels of service standards for public facilities and services
- Regularly updating the Plan is required by Florida Statutes
How can i provide input on the comprehensive plan update?
There are several ways to provide your input on the Comprehensive Plan. One method is to participate in one of the engagement activities included on the website, such as the online survey, or by reaching out to us directly using the email provided on the bottom of this page. You can also plan on attending one or more of the forthcoming public workshops, where the Project Team will host engagement activities designed to get your feedback on the Plan's direction and contents.