St. Lucie West Blvd. Projects

This page lists upcoming and completed projects affecting the roadways and intersections in the St. Lucie West area. To learn more about each project's phases and schedule, check out our Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Tracker Map.

See CIP Tracker Map


California Blvd. and St. Lucie West Blvd. Intersection Improvements: The intersection improvement project consists of upgrading the signal mast arms, adding a second westbound and a second eastbound left turn lane on St. Lucie West Boulevard. at California Boulevard and adding a second northbound left turn lane and a second southbound left turn lane on California Boulevard at St. Lucie West Boulevard.

SW California Blvd. Widening: Widen SW California Boulevard from two lanes to four lanes from Crosstown Parkway to St. Lucie West Blvd. with drainage improvements, sidewalks, and landscaping.

Peacock Blvd. & St. Lucie West Blvd. Intersection Improvements: To compliment FDOT's interchange project and new bridge on St. Lucie West Boulevard over I95, this project serves to improve the capacity of the Peacock intersection. The project includes an additional southbound turn lane, westbound through lane, eastbound left turn lane, westbound right turn lane, and a northbound through lane to Courtyard Circle. Construction is anticipated to be complete February 2026.


SW Cashmere Blvd. and St. Lucie West Blvd. Intersection Improvements: The project provides a dedicated right turn lane on eastbound St. Lucie West Boulevard at Cashmere Boulevard and provides a second left turn lane on northbound Cashmere Boulevard at St. Lucie West Boulevard.

NW Bayshore Blvd. and St. Lucie West Blvd. Intersection Improvements: The project extends the existing southbound right turn lane on Bayshore Boulevard at Prima Vista/St. Lucie West Boulevard and provides an additional southbound through lane.

St. Lucie West Blvd. / Interstate-95 Bridge and Ramps: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is managing this project to construct a new eastbound bridge over I-95 for St. Lucie West Boulevard. The existing bridge will be converted to two (2) westbound lanes. New entrance/exit ramps to I-95 are also being constructed.