Traffic Operations Division

The State of Florida has set forth traffic control regulations in Chapter 316 of the Florida Statutes, and, except where specifically permitted within the statutes, all local governments must follow this code.

The basic reference in the code is the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) issued by the Federal Highway Administration.

The MUTCD has been endorsed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and is used as the basis for much of the case law pertaining to traffic control devices that has been decided in the United States over the past several decades.

Roundabouts: Navigate them safely

During the third week in September, the Federal Highway Administration celebrates National Roundabouts Week.

Modern roundabouts dramatically reduce severe crashes by approximately 80 percent compared to traditional two-way stop-controlled intersections that's why they are a Safer Choice(PDF, 1020KB)!

There's no way around it - roundabouts are an effective safety countermeasure.

Traffic Control Devices: Signals, signs and markings

Traffic control devices(PDF, 213KB) include traffic signals, traffic signs (e.g., stop signs and speed limit signs), and traffic pavement markings.

Traffic Control Devices

The MUTCD contains all the design, application, placement, standards, guidance, options and support provisions for traffic control devices. The purpose of the MUTCD is to provide uniformity of signs, signals and pavement markings in order to promote roadway safety and efficiency on streets and highways.

Uniformity of devices aids road users in the recognition and understanding of traffic control devices and reduces perception/reaction time. The MUTCD explains the term uniformity by stating that "Uniformity means treating similar situations in a similar way".

The MUTCD also states that traffic control devices "should be designed so that features such as size, shape, color, composition, lighting or retroreflection, and contrast are combined to draw attention to the devices; that size, shape, color and simplicity of message combine to produce a clear meaning; that legibility and size combined with placement, permit adequate time for response; that uniformity, size, legibility, and reasonableness of the message combine to command respect" and that such traffic control device actually fulfills a need.

There are five basic requirements for all traffic control devices; they must:

  1. Fulfill a need
  2. Command attention
  3. Convey a clear, simple message
  4. Command respect of road users
  5. Give adequate time for proper response

The MUTCD applies to all roads and streets in the United States and is the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any highway, street, bike way or private road that is open to public travel.

Read St. Lucie TPO Comprehensive Action Plan

The St. Lucie TPO's approach to traffic safety is that the death or injury of any person is unacceptable. Each year the TPO Board has reaffirmed this commitment by adopting the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) goal of zero deaths and injuries. The TPO's approach to traffic safety also aligns with a nationwide effort known as "Vision Zero", a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all.

Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Adopted August 2022(PDF, 1MB)