Second public workshop for Comprehensive Plan update

Published on January 17, 2025

Charting PSL Comprehensive Plan

PORT ST. LUCIE – The City of Port St. Lucie will hold the second of three workshops on Feb. 5, offering the public an opportunity to provide feedback for a major update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

The first workshop was held Jan. 5 and attracted more than 100 people to participate. The first workshop focused on “Where are we now” while the second workshop will ask the question “Where do we want to go?”

The community’s participation is vital to shaping the future of Port St. Lucie and residents are encouraged to join us and make their voices heard at these public workshops.

Second Public Workshop Date: Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025

Time: 6-8 p.m.

Location: Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 S.E. Airoso Blvd., Port St. Lucie

The Comprehensive Plan serves as a blueprint for future growth and development within the City limits and is primarily implemented through zoning regulations. This update, Charting Port St. Lucie 2045, will include a visioning component to ensure the new plan reflects the community's aspirations for the City’s future.

Visit the project website at to learn more or review the project schedule. A survey is also available on the website that the public can complete to provide input on planning for the City’s future. For questions about the Comprehensive Plan, residents are encouraged to contact the City of Port St. Lucie Planning and Zoning Department at 772-871-5213.