Our Story
Published on October 31, 2024
The City of Port St. Lucie (PSL) does not have a typical origin story. Unlike many South Florida cities, we weren’t founded in the 1900s when Henry Flagler built a railroad down the east coast, bringing progress and new populations. Unlike our neighboring cities, we don’t have a historic downtown built near these train stops that eventually became centers of commerce and entertainment. Our city was incorporated in 1961 by a development group with a goal to sell quarter-acre lots to retirees. We were formed without key infrastructure – like sidewalks, streetlights, water and sewer. Over six decades, we’ve overcome all these obstacles to become an award-winning, diverse and thriving city for all people. We know now that what made us different from our neighbors has only made us stronger over the years -- and engrained a determined and resilient spirit in our citizens.
We’re at a critical point in our history. At 121 square miles, we are the third largest city in Florida in terms of land mass and seventh most populous, with 240,000 residents and rising. Both U.S. News & World Report and U-Haul named us as one of the fastest growing cities in the nation.
So, why do so many people want to live in PSL? There are multiple factors at work here, and these are just a few: We have long been considered affordable, with one of the highest rates of homeownership in the nation. A recent study found nearly 84% of residents own their home, significantly higher than any other city in our area. PSL has a state-of-the-art utility system with one of the largest septic-to-sewer conversion projects in the country. Our police department values community connections, and PSL has been the safest large city in Florida for many years, according to state crime stats. (U.S. News named us the 2nd safest place to live in the U.S. in 2022.) We have been recognized nationally for doing an outstanding job engaging with and incorporating resident feedback. We value our primary natural resource, the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, a state-designated aquatic preserve. Finally, we are a true melting pot. The University of California at Berkeley found PSL is only one of two cities in the entire nation classified as fully integrated.
Our city has been evolving at a rapid pace. Despite our size, we are not fully built out yet, and we expect our population to increase by another 125,000 residents over the next 10-15 years. We address these challenges by using data and balancing it with resident feedback. We follow our Strategic Plan and update it every year. But, most of all, our city has heart, determination, and grit. These are traits we gained by overcoming our challenging beginnings, and they are serving us well as we continue to evolve as the Heart of the Treasure Coast.
Watch Residents describe in one word the future of Port St. Lucie
Learn more about PSL